鈥?/a>Do you support fair treatment of wildlife? Watch this please and tell us what you think.?
I support the fair treatment of wildlife. I find it hard when people say they have to hunt to keep the population under control. I find that to be bull, JUST by the fact the animals WERE doing just fine until we moved around and OVER--populated ourselves that we had to cut down the popuation to fit the SmAlL forests or land that we give them because we find our need to build homes that find themselves sitting on the market collecting dust and whatever else to make it look old and haunted.
ROFE is a perfect example of what we have done to mess up nature beyond repair. Yes I see that we need to hunt (BUT AERIAL HUNTING that is bull we do not need to hunt that way.
';They do hunting to feed themselves then how we obtain I meat.';
Again wrong.
The aerial shows the facts and the site support that do not hunt to feed themselves it specifically states ';hunting and for each foreleg $150 to get paid hunting. That is a clear sign that we do not hunt that much anymore and like he said and others that is for food and to keep the poulation down.
Do guys even realize why now that we HAVE to have hunts on the prey population? ITS because we hunted their predators to extinction or the brink of extinction. The Florida cougar is a classic example of that very fact we have to hunt its prey to keep the pop in check so it does not get out of hand. The red wolf is endangered also because we hunted to the brink of extinction. The grey wolf was on the news a few days ago, somewhere between Arizona and New Mexico the farmers do not want the wolf and kill it just cause it did not know what animal it was ';not suppose'; to touch. The land there is supposedly suppose to hold a maximum amount of 250 wolves but the are only 50. cause they hold hunts to KEEP THEM DOWN to FFAARR!!
SEE this is the very reason I support they need to be treated fairly and we need to voice their silent voice so they can be heard, they need our help.I see it both sides to this and know why we need hunts BUT WE SHOULD STOP HUNTING THE PREDATORS SO THEY CAN HHHEEELLLLPPPP us keep the animals such a deer, bunnies, and other prey animals in check. BUT
this is what I am probably going to get a reply to my answer saying how wrong I am WHEN infact I supported my opinion with the FACTS
very clear facts.Do you support fair treatment of wildlife? Watch this please and tell us what you think.?
I think your blatant promotion of this fund raiser is totally unacceptable as a question on Y/A.
As far as fair treatment of wildlife I would rather see them hunted and harvested than see them starve. As far as wolves and bears are concerned hunting to control the population is better than having the population so high that they decimate all the other wild life.
In our area we can no longer use leg hold traps or an open season to control coyotes. As a result the coyote population is way to high. The coyotes prey on the newborn deer and antelope. When the does do not raise a young they get too fat to rebreed and exist as barren animals that diminish the food supply and do not replenish the species. We no longer have a vibrant population of either game animals or predators due to the stupidity of putting this issue up to an election by unknowing people.
Yes I support the fair treatment of wildlife. I do not believe that the wolf kill in Alaska is ethical or justifiable and considering the fact that I was raised there I have a unique opinion on the matter. That said the political rhetoric in that ad is no way to further a good cause. I invite you to visit a video that will show you the true horror of animal cruelty
Http:// Be forewarned this video is Graphic and very disturbing but if you're going to fight for animal rights you need to know what your fighting against.
i support fair treatment of animals and man is on top and gets to decide what is fair. Intelligent man, not groups of stupid people.
The wolves are killing other animals to a Point where that animal is in danger of becoming extinct. There is no Predator to keep wolves from destroying the eco system, so man, the more intelligent one must step in.
Its a bit bizarre to think a predator population is going to grow out of control if we don't kill off their numbers. There are only going to be so many predators for so many prey species. Killing off the predators is only going to cause an imbalance of species that kill of the old, sick, and the weak. I don't know of any hunters that go after sick moose or caribou, which makes me wonder how we effect the breeding stock by taking out healthy game.
What Palin has done is beyond barbaric and threatens wolf populations, for the sake of game hunting.
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