Saturday, August 21, 2010

I need a nice small, relatively cheap college or university with a good forestry or wildlife biology program!?

It would help if we knew what state you were in. Any program at a state university is going to be less expensive for a resident of that state. You could either pick a school in the state you already live in, or you could move to the state of the school you want to go to and take the steps necessary to become a resident. This usually means you have to be able to prove that you have been residing in the state for one year and one day by the start of the academic semester/trimester/quarter that you want to start in. The easiest steps to get there are: get your drivers license, register your car, get a utility bill n your name that IS NOT sent to a P.O. Box, etc....... But every state is a little different, and this won't work for private institutions.

So as far as the cost of university your best bet is a state college or university.

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