Wow... no easy or cookie cutter answer for this.
Obviously there is no ';silver bullet'; solution to this problem. I do think The Nature Conservancy (see link below) is taking one of the most systematic and logical approaches to this issue though.
Their efforts range from protecting habitat (which I think is a keystone to saving species); engaging in far reaching educational programs; strong grassroots initiatives; forming alliances with strategic partners; meaningful pressure / lobbying efforts; etc.
I think this organization is very savvy in every aspect it takes when saving habitat and species.How can we save wildlife and enviorment?
This is the first step to save our environment. At least you have thought about it.
You can do lot to protect environment and wildlife, directly or indirectly. If you are in this field you can directly give your services or you can volunteer for such organizations. You can aware people around you about these issues.
Gud luck, get started today鈥︹€︹€︹€︹€?.How can we save wildlife and enviorment?
Hunt people not wildlife.
To me, best way to save wildlife and environmental by join the environentalists, sceintists, naturelists, etc. or join the organization.
Here is the answer but most wont like it.
1. We have to switch to a vegetarian diet.
2. We have to stop burning fossil fuels.
3. We have to stop all the misinformation being fed to the public. Misinformation which originates from the very companies and individuals with a vested interest in keeping doubt in the mind of the public.
4. We have to do everything we can (not just the convenient) to make sure that we repay our gift of life.
5. Educate and protect.
I think the best way to save wildlife and the environment as individuals is to join a group that is actively working on specific goals. Other than that, be a role model for others in your own actions. Show compassion towards animals and live green as much as you can.
I do not think we can save a lot
,Because Powerful forces are in motion that consume Nature.such as the move towards ethanol production,and exploding populations
all of them because all of the forests are in danger;鈥?/a>
Of the earth's estimated 10 million species, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years. each years, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct.
Human activity is speeding that up since we tend to overpower all the other species in one way or another.
Some reasons why animals are being wiped out ,in the forests are:
The hunting of exotic species for pets or body parts for medicines.
Only about 10% of the animals caught survive
the hunting of animals for food by settlers of expanding populations
Forest fires ,that have started because of slash and burning of forest ,to clear the land for farming, had gotten out of control
The loss of Habitat because the conditions have changed ,e.g less humidity because of deforestation ,Forests being replaced with much dryer farmlands ,or concrete and tar to accommodate expanding humanity.
Or the over pumping of rivers for human use(farming and utility)and carbon Aquifers
Because of contamination of the waters ,
Expanding populations and expanding farming ,(that has to keep pace with the expanding populations) are very strong forces that cannot be slowed down,
clearing the rainforest's for farming and settlement areas .
Rainforest's/forests always are in third world countries and always in third world countries corruption and the need for money s highest.
The jungles gets smaller by the day
more and more farmers move in .and burn the trees
it is an impossible situation
as long as there is poverty in these regions the destruction will continue
to preserve Nature ,one has to be there to do that ,if we left it alone ,others would destroy it in no time .
And to be there and to pay for the fencing ,cost money.
To fence people out and also to fence animals in ,for there own protection ,because if they wandered in to places where there are people ,they will be killed in no time .
In Chiapas is a jungle called Lacandona ,full of exotic animals and plants ,Lemurs ,crocodiles,all kinds of monkeys,parrots ,toucans,anacondas .you name it .
It is Government protected ,there are right now and last year as well campaigns on the TV,radio news papers ,to help and save the jungle ,
There are police and soldiers patrolling the perimeters,there are Environmentalist working all over the place ,
And all of this has not made the slightest difference ,the jungle loses thousands of hectares each year ,to slash and burn farmers ,trophy and exotic pets hunters ,and logging companies .
Eco tourism with public presence ,who incidentally only move around in boats or on controlled guided walks ,brings in the money to pay for the protection and could generate enough political pressure to combat the invasion.
We must solve the local peoples economic situations to stop them from harming the jungle
To make them see it as an asset instead ,to further their own financial situation,if it remains intact.
So more involvement is needed from the local people to work with in the conservation concept ,and this is Eco tourism ,to be guides ,part of a service ,work in the hotels or restaurants etc instead of being destructive farmers or hunters fighting for survival.
This has also become the policy in Africa ,One cannot make a game reserve
police the people who live near it stop them from doing what they have always done ,
One must come up with attractive alternatives which will make the people want Nature intact because it will supplement their income more.
a jungle ,a forest ,animals are like supermarkets with out walls ,poor and rich alike and civilization in it natural expanding mode ,will move in to take it .if it is not heavily protected ,both morally,financially ,physically and politically.
The only Places in Africa today that have animals are the Nature reserves both private and National.
And the tourists pay for the up keep ,which means fencing, helping animals in trouble ,for example a pride of albino lions was born alone they would have been killed quickly ,so they were kept aside and are still alive now ,many animals are saved ,and the scientific field has a window into nature as well as the tourists ,
To just close Nature from interference has proved to be impossible ,one cannot fence and guard everything,although Nature is not always defenseless to unarmed intruders ,on the border of Kruger Park,many migrants are eaten by lions as they try to cross into South Africa.
But some intruders come heavily armed with sophisticated modern weapons,They in turn are hunted by soldiers Paid by Eco tourism.
Eco tourism is one of the few concepts that can help Nature
Bring people close to nature to ooh and ahh at and they will leave their money behind to further its existence.
You have to understand that in these places the visitors have very limited access to the reserve,The tourists stay mostly in the lodges drinking cocktails and watching the elephants walk by from a safe distance,since the lodges are build in strategic places such as near watering holes,or they go on safari rides ,a fraction of the parks is actually breeched.Such as Serengetti,Kruger,Wankie game reserve and many others.
And yes there will always exist situations of bad management and/or abuse ,this applies to all situations in our civilized societies as well
And in some places people are allowed to get away with abusing the place by littering ,but that has to be under the managements control.
The places i know come down extremely heavy on offenders ,The people who go on hikes in my friends places in South Africa carry their trash out with them ,and if they don`t they can be send back to get it .
This is avoided by not allowing people to go of alone and at all times must be accompanied by guides and they must pay for them.
There are unscrupulous reserve owners who let
rich stupid pseudo hunters kill drugged lions for incredible fees and call it trophy hunting .
But these are hated by every one else and there are not many of them.
Most professional hunters have changed their guns for cameras and are now working on behalf of the Animals they used to hunt .
The world today is a different world ,than 50 years ago
Having said all that there exist situations where nature is protected with out tourism if owned by the government , the very rich ,or a group of people who have clubbed together,where there is no tourism,but that does not mean that people do not go there .
science has access,an undoubtedly so do the rich and maybe poachers.
the Dutch Queen has large swamp areas that are nature reserves and they are out of bounds until the royal duck hunt of course.Many similar situations exist.
A cousin in Florida with about 10 other residents watch over 560 hectares of mangrove swamp,(they do not allow tourists), owned by the county,but their environmental protection permit expires in 2008 so for how long is this place safe???
Human progress is a very strong invasive force
The Animals will continue to be trapped ,as long as people keep buying the exotic animals
and deforestation will continue as long as populations keep increasing,and the demand for fuel has now been added to this.
We can try to appeal to peoples sense of self preservation ,but the connections between the rest of nature and us is too far removed or academic for too many.
we humans are part of the worlds eco systems and depend on them for our survival
just because you cannot see the connection or the importance does not make it any less
some people say they don`t like mosquito`s .lets kill them all
Well they tried that on the banks of the Danube and all of the life in the wood disappeared,the mosquito's being near the bottom of the food chains of many animals
just think what all eats mosquito's and their larvae
birds ,toads ,frogs ,lizards ,fish ,other insects like dragon flies,then think what all eats those things ,foxes,other birds,weasels,snakes,etc.
and then what eats all who eats them .
Now with the bees disappearing in many places there are huge problems with crops not being pollinated .
Endangered species also play their parts ,in eco systems that have been fine tuned for millions of years .
the more species become endangered ,the more endangered we will become our selves .Because we are on the top .
we can appeal to peoples Moral feelings by saying---what kind of world do you want the children to inherit???.
But too many do not care about that ,living for today ,NOT the future.
Our generation and the ones before us have managed to destroy more in a hundred years that all of Humanity in the history of the planet
Somewhere along the line should be the sense of responsibility
Are we guardians of the lands we occupy during our life time and during the seconds of the lands existence ,as Native Americans believe ,(they do not think of themselves as owners )
But we do ,
so do we have the right to wipe it all out in the brief moment that we are here or is the land also meant for those who come after????????
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