Please tell me if you have joined or would consider joining the following groups, if so, or if not why not.
Thank you
WSPAWildlife survey?
I think both the WWF and WSPA do a grand job, and I would consider joining the WWF.
Personally though I am a member of the local Wildlife Trust, and while having a global perspective is good I believe that roots level is equally if not more important (i.e. think global, act local).
How about other groups such as the RSPB, buglife, Marine Conservation Society or RSPCA etc.Wildlife survey?
No, absolutely not. My personal experience with any wildlife related group has been nothing but negative. They start with good ideas and then muck them up with politics, personal agendas and the like. I also suspect that large groups like the ones mentioned above have high overheads, so donations tend to get spent on admin and propaganda rather than going where they are needed the most. I prefer to do my own bit for wildlife in my own community, and then I see the results first hand. Also, there was an ad campaign here by WSPA a few years back. The add actually depicted a practice that was outlawed many years ago, but the ad led you to believe it was a widespread ongoing problem. That, to me, is a bit less than honest, and I felt they just used shocking (old) footage to get a gut reaction from people.
Yes I would join both if I had the money. I'm a vegetarian and am all for animal rights. My family has taken in 6 stray cats in my life, one abused dog and adopted a cat and dog from a local animal shelter long ago. Personally, I give a lot of money to programs that protect the manatees in Florida. I've sponsors two manatees in the past. Also, I sponsored a siberian tiger at animal sanctuary in the midwest in the United States. Both manatees and tigers are endangered and growing closer to extinction due to human harm and depletion of their natural environments. I also used give money to North Shore Animal League, a nationally known domestic animal shelter that is constantly raising awareness of animal abuse, neglect, and animal homelessness. Its a sacred place to me because I was born twenty minutes from the shelter.
I don't know if i am in your area ..
Yes i would join these groups .providing it is conducted in a orderly manner .
I am most passionate about wildlife conservation ..
i have been considering joining a conservation group for some time now .but cant find the right one who cares 100% in conservation of wildlife ..
a more committed groups are out there
i have been a member.
i would like to know moe about both, what they do and how i will help as a member, i never hear anything about either so im not that sure what they do
I'm in the states but am aware of WWF's work. I haven't heard of WSPA, so I'm not sure as to whether I would join it or not.
I'm also a broke college student so that really limits what I can/would financially support right now.
I would like to see more interactive programs with WWF focused for college students out here in the US. Perhaps scholarships, some type of recognition or campus credits awarded to students who have the highest interactivity rates in the country.
I'd also like to see more things available in campus book stores (stickers/shirts) as well.
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