Friday, August 6, 2010

Wildlife conservation jobs in Africa?

After highschool I plan to go straight to Africa. My entire life has been around wildlife and I want to work with animals until the day I die. But i'd like to get a job lined up in Africa before I get there. Does anybody know how I can do this? For example does anybody know of any wildlife conservation programs in Africa or anything? I've been looking on google, but I can't really find anything. Please lmk, anything would help. Thanks guys, you havent failed me yet!

JWildlife conservation jobs in Africa?
I am pretty sure that most of the people working in wildlife conservation parks in Africa, and elsewhere, either work for wildlife organizations, like WWF, or are students in university science and zoology programs

You can look for information at the WWF (world wildlife fund) website or enter 'wildlife conservation'; in the keyword search of the major jobsearch sites like hotjobs or monster, and see what comes up. Or even contact your local zoo to see if they have any information on the organizations they know of that do such work.

Good luck!

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